New Rochelle High School’s Performing and Visual Arts Program (PAVE) participants continue to shine – on a national stage!
Visual arts student Maribela Dias, a senior, won a Silver Medal – and $4,000 – in the 2022 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Her photograph, “Streetlights,” shown here, is powerful, and Dias is the first New Rochelle High School PAVE student to win national recognition! She took the photo with her iPhone at the New Rochelle Black Lives Matter protest in June 2020 with her iPhone.
“That night in June, in the pouring rain,” Dias said, “hundreds flooded the intersection as we continued to protest. In the surreal scene of masked marchers, flashing colors of police lights, traffic signals, and cars, I called to my brother, on this historic night in our hometown, to look at me.”
More than 100,000 students submitted 260,000 art creations, and fewer than 2,000 works were honored for their originality, technical skill, and personal voice or vision.
Art teacher Alexandra Brock also was recognized by the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, receiving an Educator Award for being “an outstanding educator whose dedication, commitment, and guidance are represented by student work selected for national honors.”
The Alliance for Young Artists & Writers is the nonprofit organization that presents the Scholastic Awards. The alliance identifies teenagers with exceptional artistic and literary talent and brings their remarkable work to a national audience through the Scholastic Awards.